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ICT and World Change

September 15, 2011

Information and communications technology  has been a huge driver for world change especially for globalisation. The ability to communicate with anyone anywhere in the world has ” shrunk” our world. With this ability, efficiency has been improved since we can share knowledge regardless of borders. While there have been a few governments who have been trying to restrict their citizens use of such technology by banning sites and such, one can see that they are not doing a very good job as the only way to restrict is to remove the technology in the first place.

Of course, there is the negative side to ICT. Due to the increasing ease of sharing information, there has been increasing piracy. ICT is an amplifier. In the correct hands, it can do a lot of good but in the wrong hands, it can do a lot of damage. ICT has increased the ease of identity thief, cons, bullying and such.

Currently, our technology has allowed us to have near instantaneous communication almost regardless where you are in the world. Firstly there was the telegraphs. This allowed for quick transmission of data  over long distance. Then came the telephone which allowed voice transmission. With the invention of the internet, telegrams became obsolete as more and more people use emails. And now with the internet comes video conferencing tools and social media which enables people to stay in touch and see each other over long distances.

So where would ICT proceed in the future? In the short term, the only foreseeable thing will be improvement to our current networks to ensure that they are able to cope with the increasing demand.  As for the long term, one just need to delve into the realm of sci-fi .  There may be holograms which enables you to see the 3d image of the people you are talking to. There may also be the ability to touch and feel the other persons over the distance by plaing around with the nervous systems. There is also the possibility of wormholes or teleportation technology being available. The possibilities are endless.

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